Articles from: June 23, 2011

Ten Years to Dyin’

Well, it finally happened.

Ten Years to Die...

A dead battery puts Mr. Movida parked in the drive with that sad ‘no go’ look on his grill.

But hey, no complaints though really. You see, Mr. Movida runs an Interstate when it comes to a battery and that old Interstate started and lit up Mr. Movida w/o fail for TEN YEARS!!!

Now, Mr. Movida has a brand new Interstate and that ‘no go’ look is now gone gone and he starts with a smile.

Ten Years to Go...

But let’s not stop there... While workin’ up the cash for the new Interstate, Driver did Mr. Movida another big favor (Driver has a real fond affection for Mr.  Movida ya see). Yep, Driver thought seeing as how we were talkin’ bout startin’ up, why not give that old starter a rebuild and really give Mr. Movida a kick start.  So he did. A real good cleanin’ and some new brushes (unbelievable that that starter worked man let me tell you. Speaks highly for Delco-Remy) and Mr. Movida started I swear even before Driver turned the key (a little shot of carburetor cleaner down the throttle body helped some but I suppose we can all use a shot now and then to start our day, don’t you think…).

We will be posting the write up for the starter rebuild here on the blog shortly. Stay Tuned…


Photo Credit: Jim Mau

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